Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February Parenting Building Blocks

Building- Good NutritionInfants and toddlers can not eat enough at one meal to last them until the next scheduled meal. Their small systems require more frequent feedings. Healthy snacks should be scheduled throughout the day.Preschoolers like to plan menus and make their own foods. Foods can be served on a fun sectional plate or even in ice cube trays. Serving sizes should be small and flavors mild. A half cup of milk may look more appealing to small eyes than a full cup. Offer water or milk with meals and snacks. Serve juices after meals and snacks.Remember....mealtime should be calm and is not the time for strict discipline.Your role as a parent is to provide healthy foods and to model healthy eating habits.The role of the child is to decide how much of the food to eat.A decrease of appetite during the preschool years is normal.Take the following precautions to reduce the risk of choking:

· Do not allow your child to play or run while eating.

· Serve foods that have been cut into strips, not in chunks, (hotdogs, grapes)

· Remind your child to chew their food. Some children will hold food in their cheeks and may choke on it later.

· Offer plenty of water or milk with meals and snacks.Stack Up Your Snacks : Graham Crackers, String Cheese, Frozen Low Fat Yogurt, Fruit, Frozen Fruit Juice BarsAvoid: Cookies, Potato Chips, Donuts, Ice Cream, Granola Bars, Popcorn ( under the age of three) Juices During MealsSource: www.beeactivekids.org/